Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Great news bears! 28 more days until braces are OFF! I finally got the official date for debonding, March 31st! A week after I turn 30 but I'll take it!!

I cannot believe the end is in-sight. I am beyond excited to see my new smile, we are even having a smile reveal party. Still not sure what I'll be doing to show off my brand new smile.

It's almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sadness, Depression & Advice for Others

Wow, I just realized I started this blog in 2015. My journey didn't even start in 2015 but the dedication to fix my smile finally became real in 2015. I've struggled with my appearance since graduating from high school in 2009.

But 4 years later and I'm so ready to see my new smile. I'm already so happy with all the changes the TAD's have made but it's the last 6 months that are the hardest.

I hate braces and what they have done to my self-confidence. I was put on an anti-depressant and just recently decided to go off of them and already regretting it. It's sad that I needed a substance to look at myself in the mirror and be confident out in public. To the people with braces, I'm not sure how you do it with a smile. Every chance I get I completely hide and avoid attention or smiling.

That's not me. This isn't me. I'm ready to be me again.

I want to say it's been worth it, but my only advice is to make sure you are happy already going into this journey. With a strong support system, family and friends, who care about you.  This is the time I needed to be dating, networking, and out living my life. Instead, I've been watching Netflix in my bedroom every weekend.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Over this....

It's been 14 months in braces.

I'm so sick of these things. I love the results of the TAD's so far but they just take forever to intrude. One side is higher than the other sadly so we cannot take them out.. I'll probably have these in for another 2 months at a minimum. 😥

Hopefully, by the end of this year, they will be off.

Sorry I didn't update in March.

- Kristen

Here's another progress photo that was taken just now. Again, this is pretty awesome progress from a year ago (photo below). I cannot wait to have the gum contouring to make my gumline even.

Below was with the palate expander. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Update! *almost* 1 year down!

Hey there,
Forgot to update this with my progress thus far! So, started braces on March 28th 2018 and it's almost coming up to my one year anniversary! On August 1st, 2018 I had 2 purple temporary anchorage devices (TADs) screwed into my upper jaw with spring coils attached to the braces. The Damon braces straightened my teeth SO fast just wish the TADs would be as quick to intrude my teeth.

It's been about 6 and a half months with TADs and there's been intrusion although I can't say I'm as far along as we thought. It could be the travel restrictions being so far and having to see my ortho less than other patients. I'm not entirely sure but what I can say for sure, they are 100% intruding and moving up!

So exciting! To be honest, I'm already super happy with all the progress I've made. The below picture is top (February) and bottom (October) and some food in my teeth. lol

My 18 months treatment time will most likely be extended since I thought I would be in TADs for 8 months but it looks like they needed longer to intrude. I'll update once I have my next appointment on March 27th.

Thanks for reading and sharing my journey!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Braces ON! 18-month Treatment for VME and Gummy Smile!

Hi there! 

I'm officially back to brace face again but with a whole new outlook. I'm super excited to begin this 18-month journey and without jaw surgery. It's helpful that about a year ago I was in braces for the first time so this isn't new to me. I wish everyone who is on the fence about jaw surgery would find my blog and also another blog I just found. Link below.


After all the research I've done for over 5 years on TAD's I finally found real results that aren't only in publications but met people with the same problem. For those who find this post and only read this one I am going to sum up my diagnosis since I was 18 (10 years ago). 

I noticed my gummy smile at 18. Saw an orthodontist who immediately diagnosed myself as having Vertical Maxillary Excess and only jaw surgery can fix. Since I was 18 I chose not to go that route and look for another way to camouflage this. I then found a cosmetic dentist and underwent lip repositioning surgery for around $4k. What an absolute waste since my problem wasn't an over hyperactive upper lip. Avoid this treatment as the relapse rate is EXTREME and mine only lasted for 6 months. Next 3 years went by and I came back to the jaw surgery route. My gummy smile only got worse and my mouth breathing wasn't ever brought up as the main cause. I researched myofunctional therapy but not enough data on adults for appliances to fix vertical growth only horizontal growth. After 3 orthodontists and traveling to Austin, I decided to go through with the jaw surgery route. After braces for 2 months and the worst communication ever from an oral surgeon and orthodontist plus not to mention 6 teeth being extracted? I canceled my treatment. My next option was to visit an ortho specialist for Biobloc in Michigan. He put me in an appliance to expand my upper jaw in hopes to bring my lower jaw forward but this wasn't a fix because it wasn't my problem. All of these treatments were just another temporary fix and ones that cost me over a total of $10k when you add this up with travel and down payments. The Biobloc forced my teeth forwards and created a massive overjet (great so pissed). Seeing the overjet made me so angry I just cut them off cold turkey (worst patient ever but they should have refused to help me). So then is when I researched TAD's more. I knew TAD's existed but I couldn't find any ortho who would do this (with results and photos to prove) on adults. That is until I found Dr. Frost. Dr. Frost is an artist and he practices this alternative and has flawless results. 

So to sum up my diagnosis of the above:

Mouth Breather; Chronic Allergies; Vertical Maxillary Excess (Gummy Smile); Narrow Arch/Palate; Lip Incompetence/Mentalis Strain; All my damn teeth; Over jet; Front teeth non symmetrical; Brain Fog; Sleep Apnea; Low Self-confidence 

Reveal picture of my current Damon Braces! One gummy smile and one closed mouth posture. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Update: No more Biobloc & Back to braces WITHOUT SURGERY!

Hello Tuesday.
I am extremely excited to report that I strongly believe I've found the alternative to jaw surgery! I spoke long ago about TAD's but could not find an Ortho who practiced and had proved results of this working. Well, thanks to Instagram, I found a new orthodontist in Arizona. Flew out to meet him and FINALLY, there are real success case studies he has shown.

When I described my journey on how I got to this point, he was astonished. It's been almost 9 years since I noticed my face changing and it's been 7 years since I was told the only option was surgery. Although my complete mentalis strain and inability to show a chin will not fully be fixed, the gummy smile will be and it won't be as difficult to close. Looking in the mirror and at photos, maybe I won't resemble a "horses" mouth. The insecurities only have increased because my face kept drooping longer and longer.

The bad news, back to life in braces. I absolutely hated my braces and couldn't last 3 months. The difference today is I moved to Charlotte, NC. New city and the ability to hibernate a few years while I undergo the treatment. The plus is the treatment time should be only 20 months - 24 months at the most. It will be tough and again one of the hardest challenges to overcome. I've never been teased until I had braces. At 27 almost 28 years old, I should have enough confidence to say ******** (insert whatever bad word you can think of) off to the haters. Because I finally found the new revolutionary method for those who have a gummy smile due to vertical maxillary excess and WITHOUT JAW SURGERY!

Bring it on Braces (January 25th, 2018) I am ready for you 2018!

Success stories here:

And the initial case success I found years ago is here:

Cannot wait to see mine in 2019!! Never give up every one.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Braces Off/No More Surgery & on to Biobloc

Well, another major setback and what was the start of a horrible braces experience. Thankfully, if I chose the extractions and surgery I would have been committed and much worse off.

What seems to be another major hurdle both financially and physically is starting to shed light. I finally went to see Dr. Gibbs about expanding my jaws. Although he is very far and it will be costing me plenty more money, I felt this was the only option left.

Not going to sugar coat this, I have plenty of doubts but much more hopeful than going through massive surgery and extraction. I've expanded about 2mm thus far and it's been 3 months. The hardest part is speaking with a lisp and confidence issues. While its slow expansion there's little to no pain.

I have a long journey ahead of me. Will keep you updated and remember lips closed, tongue roof of mouth and chew chew chew your food!!!
