Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Great news bears! 28 more days until braces are OFF! I finally got the official date for debonding, March 31st! A week after I turn 30 but I'll take it!!

I cannot believe the end is in-sight. I am beyond excited to see my new smile, we are even having a smile reveal party. Still not sure what I'll be doing to show off my brand new smile.

It's almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Kristen. I hope you are doing well and that you achieved the results you wanted. I have read through your blog and unfortunately I'm in the same situation now as you were years ago, except that I live in the UK. If you have some time I'd love to have a chat with you because I have so many questions. I'd seriously appreciate it so much, because I'm in a rather desperate situation. Thank you in advance if you can spare even just a little time for me 🙏🏻💕

  2. Hi Kristen!
    It has been some time since you last updated your blog.
    I hope it’s because you are loving your result and have moved on with life. I wanted ask you, now that you’ve finished me your treatment with TADs, are you happy that you chose it instead of jaw surgery? Do you feel that it fully fixed your issues?
