Saturday, April 1, 2017

Second Thoughts...& Braces On

Hello there!

I am so sorry I have not updated on my progress. I felt the need to come on here because there has been many changes since the last time I wrote. I wish good ones...

As I mentioned previously, I chose to go through with the surgery and had my braces put on February 22nd. WOW. I was not prepared for the agony in which braces could bring. The pain lasted about a week but it was my appearance that completely through me a curve ball. I cry more often than I ever have in my life looking at my appearance in the mirror or a photo. I need them off.

I wish this was an "I'm doing great" post or it has gotten easier but in all honestly I'm completely miserable in these things. I turned 27 on Sunday and these are the best years of my life and I have men at bars making fun of my braces.

The surgeon said that they would need to remove SIX teeth, yes, SIX healthy teeth. My bosses think I am crazy for extracting healthy teeth when my mouth has NO overcrowding. I trusted my surgeon until I realized how long I would have to be in braces closing those gaps up. Just may have made a HUGE costly mistake. Without a doubt in my mind, I need the surgery. But how bad do I want the surgery right now? I have no boyfriend, hate my social life in braces, and my income cannot easily afford this all. what? I've struggled with this journey since I was 18. I thought I was officially starting the process of ending it. (Side note) I forgot to mention I HATE food in my teeth to the point where I only drink liquids if I am out. I've already lost about 7lbs. I can't continue this diet for 2 years or I will wither away to nothing. I also have the flu and have been sick 2 times. My immune system is not getting enough nutrients because I hate to eat.

My point with this post is...I am not ready for the surgery. Advances in technology must have answers to my problem. I've researched Dr. Mew again and myofunctional therapy. I am going to travel to as many doctors who practice this. Expand my jaws and move my teeth forward in the face and practice proper tongue rest posture and breathing through my nose. SO MUCH WORK. But anything to get me out of these braces and not have to go through this massive surgery, I will try.

I'm hoping my blog inspires people in the future to go the alternative route because I was the exception. I'm not giving up to try and avoid the surgery. We have so much technology out there there has to be at least one doctor who believes their treatment will work. I will listen, learn, and ask questions.

I will keep you all posted on if I decide to remove these awful things.


  1. Hello, did u find any info or luck with dr mew and myofunctional therapy?


    1. Yes! I am in need of another post. I removed my braces and am now in the BioBloc Stage 1 appliance on the upper and what looks like the ALF appliance on the lower. I'm practicing the proper tongue posture but not seeing a myo therapist. I am expanding and lifting up my upper palate first and hopefully my lower will follow.

      If you read I am traveling to see his same Ortho who has worked directly with Dr. Mew and believes in expansion. However, he did warn me he's "Not sure how much we can really do in adult." I trusted him over the surgeon. If surgery is my only route I still want to try everything first even if there's risk it won't work.

  2. Also why do they need to extract 6 healthy teeth? Hmm.. r any of those teeth ur wisdom teeth?

    1. 4 are wisdom teeth. Originally it was 8 teeth. They really just did want to push back my teeth which would make my smile/mouth even more narrow. I knew they were traditionally trying to "fix" my problem but without proper tongue posture my face would collapse and relapse again. 6 healthy teeth I almost said bye to! Thank goodness I got the flu and canceled my extraction appointment!

  3. Ohh okay yeah thank god! Let me know how the appliances and everything works out!!! Thanks
