Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Vlogging Journey

It's been about 2 weeks since I've seen the orthodontist. They have been delayed getting back to me due to the holidays but they are reviewing my case on Dec. 21st for a treatment plan. I just want to have this process started and braces on already! Many years of waiting and I'm about to back out again (not really just can't sit still thinking about everything).

I've decided to vlog my journey on youtube as livingwithvme. The main reason is I want to look back and have memories but also help those in the future who have similar problems. Majority of the jaw surgeries videos on there are from underbites and I've read that the upper jaw surgery is worse.

Follow my vlog journey!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Progress - Met Oral Surgeon Who I LOVE

Finally, I was able to actually see a oral surgeon who specializes in this surgery and has years of experience. I found him through research and not through a common referral. I told him my unique story and how this journey is only just getting started.

Unlike orthodontists, he actually made me feel that my problem was NOT just cosmetic and I have a functional problem that needs to be fixed. There's an entire process before even discussing treatment options and I'm having my teeth cleaned then seeing an ortho next week. After that, we will determine a treatment plan and schedule my wisdom teeth removal...UGH. I'm hoping to have this done by the holidays since that is perfect timing for work.

I know the money and wearing braces was a major reason why I refused to go further. I'm now single, career is somewhat stable, and I have the ability to move back home before the surgery. Now couldn't be a better time to focus on myself and fixing my jaws and health!

The journey is just starting and even though I'm scared as hell, I'm excited to begin and get the next 2 years over with!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Hiatus and Coming Back

The last time I wrote a post I was looking back into TAD's and that was a complete waste of time. No Ortho will take my case. My entire jaw needs to be removed and TAD's have success moving a few teeth but not my entire upper teeth/jaw line.

I've been sleeping worse at night, can't concentrate, and have to gasp for air all the time. My airway is blocked and I breathe through my mouth.

I started this blog to join the community who struggles with the same issues I'm having. Even though I know insurance will deny coverage, I will keep fighting until one day the research changes and so does the assumption this is just cosmetic. It's so much more. I do not want the surgery, I've tried everything to relieve symptoms and to camouflage my appearance.

Once again I will make an appointment with another Orthodontist since they have to refer you to their Oral Surgeon. I didn't want my braces to "show" and hopefully the clear ones will be less noticeable since my job is sales and confidence is highly important.

Please send me tips on receiving insurance approval! I have Aetna and they do cover surgery. Here goes nothing!! Praying for some good news on this long battle my condition is only getting worse the more I put off surgery.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Never ending research.. Now looking at TAD's

I've been back and forth over this surgery. My case isn't that "severe" to me to go through surgery. I simply want to intrude 4 teeth and widen my arches. I've found these youtube videos. I'm not sure how this is even possible but I'm considering going to every TAD orthodontist in South Florida to find someone who has done this at least ONCE and it has worked.

I also have an overjet and lower crowding..I already know I need braces but if I can also move my teeth up slightly and have just a littttttlleee less gum showing, I'd be perfectly satisfied. Also need more room for my tongue and then I can train my mouth to close naturally.

I also still want to go through braces, surgery, then veneers is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Now begins yet another search for a miracle orthodontist or oral surgeon. The answer from orthodontists is always "jaw surgery" without even looking at other cases who have corrected my VME without the need for surgery.

Our technology has improved so much..I'm determined to have amazing before and after pictures to show that this can be improved (maybe not perfectly but livable) without the need for such an invasive expensive surgery.

Here's to hoping and more searching...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The waiting game.

After traveling to Austin to see an orthodontic specialist in invisalign/braces for jaw surgery, I have decided to go ahead and see the oral surgeon for a consult. He will first do a prescan and send my information over to my insurance (which he is in my network so this is awesome). I would love to start the process ASAP but traveling to Austin for this is a pain. My friend is moving there and will surely offer a place for me to stay to get cheap rates for flights.

The ortho said full treatment time is usually at most 18 months, with 6 months of prep even before the braces come on (if I remember correctly)

If all goes well in May, I hope to hear back from insurance by the summer and start the process by fall. Does anyone passing by know if you can go on short term disability if insurance says its medically necessary? 

I plan on being out from work for 2-3 weeks to recover. Thankfully my current job doesn't require extensive telephone usage, so I really can work semi remotely. 

I almost fell asleep at the wheel this morning...and I thought I had great sleep the other night. My sleep apnea is catching up to me finally. It's extremely scary to drive 1 hr to work drowsy. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Back to the search for an orthodontist/oral surgeon...

I've been in a hiatus with this frustrating journey. I will say that research certainly has helped tremendously. I know exactly what my problem is and how to fix it.

There are options to "camouflage" the gummy smile even though I've already tried botox and lip repositioning surgery. However, I know this will not fix the mouth breathing concerns/TMJ/sleep apnea/grinding teeth. At the end of the day I want to be happy and not "camouflage" my problems just for a slightly better appearance. Knowing orthognathic surgery is a huge risk has put my journey on hold for awhile.

I've picked back up and have scheduled another appointment with an orthodontist specialist in Austin, Texas. He specializes in using Invisalign in the front and traditional braces posterior with less treatment time which is what I am looking for. I cannot be in braces with my profession for many months sometimes years.

He then will refer me to an oral surgeon who I hope has experience in convincing insurance companies to cover the surgery. The hardest part so far has been knowing I want the surgery but not having the time or money to spend with a bunch of consultations. I relied heavily on the research online for this orthodontist.

I see him in about 2 weeks and I pray that God has a plan to really begin this journey to fixing my problems.

Here are some more pictures...

 Side Profile w/ Receding Chin when closing mouth
My lips do not touch and you can see the lines still 
My lip closed posture my chin bunches up and is strained