Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Never ending research.. Now looking at TAD's

I've been back and forth over this surgery. My case isn't that "severe" to me to go through surgery. I simply want to intrude 4 teeth and widen my arches. I've found these youtube videos. I'm not sure how this is even possible but I'm considering going to every TAD orthodontist in South Florida to find someone who has done this at least ONCE and it has worked.

I also have an overjet and lower crowding..I already know I need braces but if I can also move my teeth up slightly and have just a littttttlleee less gum showing, I'd be perfectly satisfied. Also need more room for my tongue and then I can train my mouth to close naturally.

I also still want veneers..so to go through braces, surgery, then veneers is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Now begins yet another search for a miracle orthodontist or oral surgeon. The answer from orthodontists is always "jaw surgery" without even looking at other cases who have corrected my VME without the need for surgery.

Our technology has improved so much..I'm determined to have amazing before and after pictures to show that this can be improved (maybe not perfectly but livable) without the need for such an invasive expensive surgery.

Here's to hoping and more searching...